Welcome to the Springfield Federation of Paraprofessionals
The goal of the Federation is for all of the members to work together to ensure our mutual and individual success. By working together we are able to successfully negotiate contracts with competitive wages and benefits and collaborate with the district on programs and policies that are beneficial to all of us.
To become a member of the Springfield Federation of Paraprofessionals, your first step is to join the union by completing the application below..
Below are the links to documents that you may find useful as you begin to navigate your way around SPS and the Federation
For Paraeducators in Training who would like to register to take the WorkKeys test please email Carmen Molina-Figueroa at molina-figueroac@springfieldpublicschools.com.
Are you a Paraeducator in Training preparing for the WorkKeys test so you can become highly qualified? You can access the practice tests by..
WorkKeys Assessments Online Practice Test
Look for the line item under system requirements that states: Select here to access a Practice Test and click on the word here.
Creating an account on ACT:
Registration: Create An Account (testregistration.org)
That brings you to a new page where you click a small box "select new title" -
click on the box and that it send you to the choices for practice tests.
You may choose to access the practice tests through three options:
Screen reader
Text to speech
The 3 WorkKeys subjects for Paraeducators are:
Workplace Documents
Business Writing
Applied Math